
Nandini Gupta
International doctorate candidate at the department of International Peace Studies at Trinity College Dublin
Her research interests are in feminist peace making and war politics. She has completed an MPhil degree in Gender and Women’s Studies from Trinity College Dublin and also worked as a research assistant for the PERICLES project. Nandini strongly believes in the transformational power of words and their role in saving us from the scourge of totalitarian values around us. Nandini upholds Isaac Asimov’s vision that “there’s no way I can single handedly save the world or, perhaps, even make a perceptible difference – but how ashamed I would be to let a day pass without making one more effort.”

Maja Halilovic
Research Fellow (former Marie Curie Research Fellow) at the School of Religion at Trinity College Dublin
Maja’s research focuses on issues of radicalisation in Europe and the Balkans and education and conflict in post-conflict societies. She was Principal Investigator for Trinity College Dublin on PERICLES project. Maja is currently a Research Team Leader with the PAVE Project (Preventing and Addressing Violent Extremism Through Community Resilience), an H2020 funded project whose aim is to research what makes communities vulnerable or resistant to radicalisation. The PAVE project focuses on the following countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Iraq, Tunisia and Lebanon.

Dr. Sheryl Lynch (F)
Head of European Research for Future Analytics Consulting
Dr. Sheryl Lynch (F) has worked as a professional researcher, specialising in equality and inter-culturalism, for over nine years, both within academia, public service, and currently as Head of European Research for Future Analytics Consulting. Sheryl’s work within academia and the European research sphere has an emphasis on resilience, gender equality and immigration rights. These themes are central to the Gender Hub and build on Sheryl’s IRC-awarded Doctorate in Ethnomusicology which investigated gender, migrancy and cultural transformation in Ireland. Sheryl has published internationally in the areas of social justice, intersectionality and public discourses of migration, including a presentation at the annual conference for the Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice (University of British Columbia) which culminated in a publication in the Canadian Graduate Journal for Social Justice Research (2016). The Gender Hub merges Sheryl’s project management skills and professional knowledge of access and equality policy with her genuine passion for social inclusion.
You can find some of my research here

Gillian Wylie
Assistant professor of International Peace Studies at Trinity College Dublin
Gillian Wylie is assistant professor of International Peace Studies at Trinity College Dublin, where she focuses on gender, violence and peace. She is gender advisor to the EU H2020 research consortia PERICLES and PAVE.
The origin
The Genderhub originated in the PERICLES project as part of the Enhanced Platform (Horizon2020 Project, Grant Number 740773). PERICLES (Policy recommendation and improved communication tools for law enforcement and security agencies preventing violent radicalisation) was a three year project whose aim was to develop a comprehensive approach to prevent and counter violent radicalisation and extremism. PERICLES project developed five tools to achieve this aim: i) Family Information Portal to support and inform families who suspect or know a family member who is in the process of radicalisation or has already been radicalised; ii) Skills and Competencies Training a modular and adaptable training curriculum for further education of professionals dealing with violence prevention; iii) ModeRad which analyses metadata related to violent and radicalised online speech as well as detects radicalised discourse on Twitter; iv) MAVAST that assesses individual vulnerability to radicalisation by focusing on large number of indicators and multi-agency approach; v) Enhanced Platform to hold all the other tools in one place and to provide additional resources related to radicalisation and violent extremism. Enhanced Platform and all the tools can be found here
While developing above mentioned tools for PERICLES project we reviewed literature related to gender and radicalisation and the noticed that the area is both under-researched and under-analysed. While gendered approach has been attempted by some projects to date (including PERICLES) no platform exists where different ideas and materials related to gender and radicalisation are contained and developed in one place. We are hoping that Genderhub will be such a place.
Our initial literature review revealed four themes/areas of relevance in the field of gender and radicalisation. These are: i) radical violence and masculinity, ii) radical violence and femininity, iii) gender and countering violent extremism and iv) radical intersections. We have organised the Genderhub around these themes. In addition we have a blog covering not only these themes but a number of other related issues. The blogs are written by our team but you are welcome to contribute if you have an idea in mind. Please contact us at [email protected]
Gendered ideas and practices are key to shaping people’s actions for violence or peace. Why people radicalize and commit violence or deradicalize and work for community resilience, is partly shaped by notions of masculinity, femininity or other ways of being a gendered person.
The Genderhub is a novel and valuable repository for material, ideas and analysis about the intersections of gender, violent extremism and countering violent extremism. It offers précis of academic articles, blogs and videos on themes of radical violence and masculinity and femininity, intersectionality and gendered responses to violent extremism. The Genderhub team hope this will be a helpful resource for researchers, policy makers, activists and anyone interested in understanding violent extremism and countering it.